I'm halfway through my 100 Day Project! It feels like it took a long time to get here but when I was compiling all of the buildings that I've made thus far into the grids below, it seemed like it went by really quickly. It's definitely fun seeing them come together into a tiny town.
In my process post about the project, I talked a bit about what makes a building. The first leg of this project has really shown just how vast the range of answers to this question really is! I've had fun drawing inspiration from different architectural styles and architects, delving into a little bit of their history. I've also enjoyed playing with shapes and fitting things together until they look interesting (these have been some of the most challenging days...I could rearrange pieces on the page for hours).
Clockwise from top left: Calef Brown, Lizzy Stewart, Igor Galanin, Z Berger, Paloma Valdivia, Mary Blair.
I think that I'm so drawn to buildings as a subject because they are something that seems so rigid but contains so many possibilities to infuse with life and character. As an exercise a few days ago, I put together a pinterest board with one hundred building illustrations. It contains apartments, cottages, landmark destinations, skyscrapers, castles. I think that the only things needed to make a building appear to be a building is something resembling windows or doors. Some way for people to interact with it. After that, all bets are off.
I've been collecting a few links to other building related projects that I've run across recently. I love seeing how other people interpret these structures. The images above are from Anastasia Savinova's "Genius Loci" collage series. (via The Jealous Curator)
Below are some of the manipulated architectural works of Filip Dujardin. (via booooooom)
And finally, if you have a few minutes to watch a video, the fantastic earthships made from repurposed materials in Taos, NM. (via Colossal)
At the halfway mark in this project, it has been interesting to think about how people shape buildings and buildings shape people.