Happy new year! One of my goals this year is to blog a bit more regularly (remember when I used to do lately posts?.....all two of them?). I've challenged myself to do a weekly post about a few things that are inspiring me and probably the occasional trip photo. One week down, fifty-one more to go!
A trip home // Had a great trip home for the holidays. A few highlights include the Lee Bul exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery, staring at the mountains for days, and visiting a few of my favourite people in Seattle.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries // My mother has been telling me to watch this for months and I finally sat down and watched the first season with her over Christmas. Always listen to your mother. I think my 2016 resolutions can be summed up as "Be Phryne Fisher". A badass lady detective solves crimes in Jazz Age Melbourne in exceptional style with my favourite Scooby Gang since Buffy. To say I'm obsessed would be a gross understatement. (There are three seasons on American Netflix).
“Some novelists....write outlines because they don’t want to get to that final chapter and go ‘Oh my god, what the fuck do I do now?’. I trust in ‘Oh my god, what the fuck am I gonna do now?’. I think that is part of it.”
On the creative process // Really enjoyed this conversation with Quentin Tarantino on The Nerdist Podcast.